Ripa Awareness Meditation

The international program of meditation study under the guidance of Buddhist Master Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

17 - 18, November 2023

19:30 (msk)-21:30 Friday
10:00 - 16:30 Saturday, Sunday
Moscow, Ripa Center, Aptekasky, 9
Online, zoom

Ripa Awareness Meditation

The international program of meditation study under the guidance of Buddhist Master Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

17 - 19 November, 2023

19:30 (msk)-21:30 Friday
10:00 - 16:30 Saturday, Sunday
Moscow, Ripa Center, Aptekasky, 9
Online, zoom

"The fundamental ability to be happy is always inside us"
— Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche
Ripa Awareness Meditation (R.A.M.) is the international program of meditation led by the realized Master Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche. The program is based on two traditional meditation technics Samatha (Shine) and Vipassana, which has been transmitted from the Masters to their disciples for more than 2500 years since the times of Buddha Shakyamuni. The meditation is efficient and easy to use in the everyday life of any person.

The program is aimed to bring the great benefit to people all over the world by making the awareness meditation technic available to everyone.

In Russia on November 17 - 19, 2023 Jigme Rinpoche will give meditation teachings by the R.A.M. program. The event is open to everyone.

The program November 17 - 19, 2023
First session
The session will include an educational workshop and
direct introduction to practice.
***Please arrive 30 minutes early to check in. Practices with the participation of Teachers start on time.

The program schedule:

7.00 pm – Registration
7.30 – 9.30 pm – Seminar
17 november
The Deep Meditation
Going through meditation practice under the guidance of realized Meditation Master.
The focus will be on the practice itself and an introduction to the various techniques Ripa Awareness Meditation. These methods can be practiced further, applying in life, gradually deepening one's own meditation. As you advance in the R.A.M. program, you will learn the Awareness Meditation to live a life of benefit to yourself and others.

10:00 – 12:15 – First session
12:15 - 14:00 - Break (there is a cafe in the Ripa Center where you can have lunch)
14:00 - 16:30 - Second session. Questions and answers.

***The schedule is subject to change at our discretion.
Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche.
Saturday, Sunday
18 - 19 November
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Leio
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Marion
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Jason
Photo by Sven
Photo by Ed
Photo by David
  • 1

    By increasing of our awareness we start seeing the situation as they are. Instead of automatic reaction, we get the chance to choose the right way to behave. If we get stuck in the past or constantly live in future dreams, the awareness brings us back to the real life, life in the present moment.
  • 2

    The meditation calms down our mind and we get our emotions under control. This brings more balance and harmony in the relationships with other people. The meditation helps us to develop kindness, openness and acceptance of others and ourselves without judgments.
  • 3
    Personal affectivity

    The meditation practice increases our ability to concentrate and focus on tasks that finally reflect the results. The meditation is the best way to start the day in more balanced and calm way without getting involved in hectic trace.
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    The scientific research have proven that the daily 10-minutes meditation helps our mind to have good rest and to recover from a stress. It relives the tension, improves the memory and our ability to learn.
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    Being yourself

    By connecting us with our breathing we feel ourselves natural and authentic. To be truly yourself in every moment is the greatest thing that could even happen to us in life.
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    Full life

    With the regular meditation practice the fears leave us. We get more relax and trust in the living. This positive habit improves our life quality bringing more joy and satisfaction in every day life.
Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche explains why meditation is so needed in the modern life
Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche is the bright example of the Master who connects the deep spiritual practice with the active social life. He considers himself «a socially engaged Buddhist».He is a representative of a new generation of Masters, attentive to the challenges of life, posed by the modern society.

Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche is the son of the renowned Tertön, His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche, holder of the Ripa lineage. At the age of five, he was already enthroned at Rigon Thubten Mindrolling monastery in Orissa, India. Then he entered the regular school and continued the Buddhist education only after school graduation. Rinpoche has made several lonely retreats as long as thee months and one year. The last one finished in May, 2018.

Rinpoche's deep sense of compassion and love for people is inspiring as he strives diligently and tirelessly to share his wisdom and reach various people. Jigme Rinpoche is known for his lively, direct, humorous, easy understandable and down-to-earth teaching style.

His teachings are aimed at developing openness, heartiness and a clear perception of every moment of life; they are free from interpretations and judgments and overcome cultural barriers between East and West, ancient and modern lifestyles.


The long-term program of meditation study is aimed to support
and enrich your meditation experience.
Participation in the following events will help you
to go even deeper in your personal practice.

Yearly Modules: 1-2 times per year
Duration: 3 – 5 days
Meditation practice under the guidance of Jigme Rinpoche within Russia and in Ripa International Center in Switzerland
Regular events and seminars
Duration: 1h30m or 1 full day
The regular morning and evening practices every week and one-day seminars under the guidance of the R.A.M. certified instructors.
Offside Silence Retreats
Duration: 7 – 10 days
Retreats are fully dedicated to the deep meditation practice under the guidance of Jigme Rinpoche. There will be various locations outside of the cities within Russia (Baykal lake and Moscow Suburbs), Nepal, Switzerland, Bhutan.
The lack of money cannot become an obstacle for the attendance.
To attend the event for the donation, please, contact mob. number +7 910 451-31-51.
The income distribution
The income gained of R.A.M. program will be used to benefit society and to develop
the program of Ripa Awareness Meditation in Russia.

Please, call for more details on the event:
+7 968 761 92 20 (Valeriya)
+7 499 653-74-40 (Ripa Center, the main organizer)

The location:
Ripa Center
Moscow, Aptekarsky, 9