Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche is the bright example of the Master who connects the deep spiritual practice with the active social life. He considers himself «a socially engaged Buddhist».He is a representative of a new generation of Masters, attentive to the challenges of life, posed by the modern society.
Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche is the son of the renowned Tertön, His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche, holder of the Ripa lineage. At the age of five, he was already enthroned at Rigon Thubten Mindrolling monastery in Orissa, India. Then he entered the regular school and continued the Buddhist education only after school graduation. Rinpoche has made several lonely retreats as long as thee months and one year. The last one finished in May, 2018.
Rinpoche's deep sense of compassion and love for people is inspiring as he strives diligently and tirelessly to share his wisdom and reach various people. Jigme Rinpoche is known for his lively, direct, humorous, easy understandable and down-to-earth teaching style.
His teachings are aimed at developing openness, heartiness and a clear perception of every moment of life; they are free from interpretations and judgments and overcome cultural barriers between East and West, ancient and modern lifestyles.