Please note: the approximate conversion rate for European currency is 120 rubles = 1 euro. Payment amounts must be indicated strictly in Russian currency, for example 10,000 rubles (Т). The price does not include internal tax, which is determined by each country independently and can reach up to 25%. Therefore, the amount debited in the country from which the payment was made may be different from the website.

Prices three days RAM retreat:
1. regular price - 50,000 ₸ (10,000 rubles ~ 85 €)
2. reduced price - 25, 000 (5,000 rubles ~ 42 ) for those who have financial issues

Group participation is available only for the retreat: several people from one country (only for Ripa Sangha members). To agree on the terms of participation, or if you want to make free donation as a retreat fee, please contact Irina via WhatsApp +79104513151 or by e-mail:

Prices RAM instruction course (includes payment for the three days retreat and is mandatory for participation):
1. regular price - 155,000 (30,000 rubles ~250 €)
2. reduced price - 103,000 (20,000 rubles ~166 €)
(if you are experiencing financial difficulties and want to start/continue training as an instructor)
Регистрируясь на события и отправляя контакты, вы соглашаетесь с условиями Пользовательского соглашения и политикой конфиденциальности
Вопросы по тел: +7(499) 653-74-40
(администратор Центра Рипа)

Адрес: Центр Рипа, Аптекарский переулок, 9
Click to order